Tips and Tricks for Calming Down a Baby
When a baby is fussing or crying it can be a challenge to know what to do to soothe them. Every baby has its own needs, and when you get it right they’ll let you know very quickly - but while you’re still working it out it can be an upsetting experience for any parent or carer. Basic needs are easy to address once you’ve learned to recognise them, but what do you do when your baby is in distress with no obvious cause? Here at Matchstick Monkey we know how overwhelming it can feel when you’re still learning what your baby reacts to best, so we’ve compiled our top tricks and tips to help you find the best remedy when you need it most:
- Gently rock or carry your baby in a baby carrier. Gentle swaying motions mimic the environment of the womb, which can help to soothe young infants. You can also try taking this a step further and providing skin-to-skin contact as you sway, so that your baby can hear your heartbeat and is surrounded by familiar smells, sounds, and movement.
- Another way to imitate the prenatal environment is by using sound. White noise machines, fans, and air conditioners all make steady humming sounds which remind your baby of the atmospheric sounds in the womb.
- Even if there’s no need for a nappy change, your baby might be in some gastric discomfort. Try holding your baby on the left side of their body, and give their back a gentle rub to encourage their digestive system and ease trapped wind or indigestion.
- Check the temperature in the room. Is your baby too hot or too cold? Make sure your baby is wearing the right clothes for the environment, removing and adding layers to keep them cool.
- If your baby is crying between meals, try giving them Matchstick Monkey Teether. Giving your baby something to put in their mouth can help to satisfy the urge to chew. Avoid overfeeding your baby - it’s easy to mistake crying for hunger, but if your baby has already had their meal then giving them more could cause discomfort. Shop our extensive range of teethers here.
- Keep a journal. There could be contributing factors in your baby’s environment or diet which can be hard to spot, especially if they are habitual. Writing down when your baby eats, sleeps, and cries is a good habit to get into as it makes it easier to spot any trends, and make changes where necessary.

With this in mind, remember to always take care of yourself, too. Overtired parents can struggle with coping with crying babies and though it's important to soothe them it’s also vital to take breaks and breaths, too. Once you’re able to catch your breath, you can return to your baby and try something different, feeling calmer yourself.